Just spending the time considering all facets helps you get a better understanding of what can be achieved. Once you have worked through a plan arrange an appointment with one of our specialised kitchen designers. It is always a good idea to get an opinion from someone that works with it every day.
Traditional kitchen design
Traditional kitchen design was based on the work triangle. The three main work areas are:
The sketch below indicates the recommended distances between the different stations.
Design Tips:
Zonal kitchen design:
Zonal design is based on the number of work zones and their interaction to each other when we are preparing and storing food.
Some of the factors that have lead to a change in kitchen layouts
Modern kitchens are designed to fit in with our lifestyles. If it is a new kitchen within an existing house there will be restrictions based on the existing room layout, doors, windows etc. Existing plumbing and electrical locations should be considered as they can sometimes be costly to relocate. If it is a new house it is easier to incorporate more of your design requirements.
Some of the basic kitchen layouts are as follows: